A place to create and share beautiful things......

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Cupcake Inspiration Blog Hop WINNER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hi blogger friends! It's time to announce the blog hop winner. Thank you ladies for your time, play and have fun with us. I love all the beautiful and lovely comments, I feel so lucky that Nina invite all the past DT ladies to take part of this 200 challenge. Great job girls!!!!!!

And now, the drums please!!brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr !!!!!!!!! It's you, LEEANN !!!!!!!!!!!!!
she said: 
  This would be perfect to give to a bridesmaid or a girl for her prom! Gorgeous card!

Please email Jen to take  your info.
Thanks for stopping by and have a nice weekend!

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Cupcake Inspirations 200 Challenge!!!!!!

Hello Cupcake fans! It's me Zulma, last but not least, jejeje, I'm glad that you reach me and have fun. Today is  the day!!!!! We are so happy to celebrate our 200 CHALLENGE here at Cupcake Inspirations. It's your turn to BLOG HOP with us to a chance to win marvellous prizes from our  amazing sponsors.
Here is my sponsor, Sassy Studio Designs, they have beautiful digi images like this one.
Sassy Studio Designs

This is  my inspiration for today  CI # 145, isn't it cute.

Blog Hop with us and have fun, we are waiting for your comments, and don't forget there are lots of prizes. 

Thanks for your visit and have a great day!